Terms + Conditions


By accepting Lucy’s advice and personalised sleep plan you are agreeing to:

  • Follow safe sleeping practices that align with the current SIDs recommendations. If you need more information on this it is your responsibility to seek these recommendations from Lucy.

  • Disclose any relevant medical information or conditions that your baby may have to Lucy prior to coaching commencing or at any stage during coaching when a condition may be diagnosed.

  • If your baby has any medical conditions you agree to check with your GP before sleep coaching commences.

  • Screenshots of communication and information surrounding your baby or child can be used for marketing and case studies however all names and identifying features will be removed unless you grant permission.

  • To pay the invoice prior to the sleep plan being sent for standard consultations and before the phone consultation occurs for express consults.

  • That in order for changes to my child’s sleep to happen, that I need to follow the plan and be consistent. If I do not, and my child’s sleep does not improve, I am not entitled to a refund.

  • I understand that if Lucy does not hear from you over a period of time it will be assumed that everything Is going well, and no support is currently needed.


Lucy’s advice is not intended to be a replacement for any medical advice. Always seek medical advice from your doctor in situations that require medical attention or diagnosis as well as before following Lucy’s advice and using the methods that she suggest.

The use of information provided by Lucy Burns at the Sleep Scout is solely at your own risk.

Successful outcomes are more likely if you follow the full plan provided. If you do not follow the plan or only select portions of the plan, then the level of success will reduce.